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Instead of the Dishes » Entries tagged with "kWh"

Theres a Word for That: kWh

In honor of Earth Day, my TWT posts will center on energy and “green” concepts this month. kWh stands for Kilowatt Hour, which is the measure of energy used by your electric company to figure your bill.  A kilowatt hour is equivalent to using 1000 watts of electricity in one hour. You can figure how many kilowatt hours an electrical appliance uses by multiplying its wattage by the amount of time you are using it, and dividing by 1000. So, for example, (caution! english major doing math here!) if you have a 100 watt light bulb in your lamp, and you have the lamp on for one hour, you use 0.1 kWh of electricity.  If you keep that same lamp on for 10 hours, you’ve used 1 kWh.  You can use this … Read entire article »

Filed under: Around the House, Go Green, Spending Less, There's a Word for That