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Motherhood: A Day in the Life #3 – Stephanie B

A Day in My Life: Learning to Savor the Moments

I get to be a stay-at-home, homeschool mom. While some days are… let’s say, challenging (definition: wreak havoc on my entire being), most days I am able to stop and savor the moments with our two boys. The time is flying by, people always told me it would but during colic and wiping noses and bottoms, I did not believe them. But, now I know it’s not just a tired old saying — it’s the truth.   Recently, our 10 year-old said “hey mom, you know you are past the halfway mark of raising me?” Sweet mercy, that boy knows how to get me.

So, here is a day in The Park Wife‘s life.

I wake up, after my husband’s alarm clock has been snoozed four times, by him. I make coffee and grab my indulgence, three Biscoff “Europe’s favorite” cookies to have with my coffee during my morning quiet time. I feel so Downton Abbey minus the fabulous attire. And no one to dress me or do the dishes.

Carson never shows. So, I tiptoe back to my room to enjoy the deliciousness and have a little quiet time before my day begins. Then, my husband makes his morning smoothie with the loudest blender known to man. Yes, that guarantees little footsteps will soon pitter patter into my room. Many of these days, I have to make my eyes light up when they walk in there, I want them to know that I welcome them, love them, approve of them. Before the first sips of coffee, this is hard. But, then the morning snuggles begin. I sip coffee, hug little boys who will not want to do this forever, and life is good. This is when we plan our great adventures for the day.

After snuggles and my awesome hubby leaves for work (he has to go earn money for a new alarm clock since I slammed the one he snoozed 4 times and a better blender), the guys go run around and play while I spend one hour on the computer. I try and answer all my email, except the ones from the prince in Mumbai who needs me to help him with his financial problems, bless his heart, and catch up on Twitter which never happens, and Facebook. Then, I do a little blog work for The Park Wife, Arkansas Women Bloggers and Oklahoma Women Bloggers.  Let’s get real, that takes more like an hour and a half.

Then it is time for breakfast. Here is where I will announce my genius. Drum roll please….I have taught our 10 year-old how to make eggs, toast, and put yogurt in a bowl. Kapow, BAM! I rock! School starts precisely at 9:00 a.m. everyday, except Monday, sometimes Tuesday, then on Thursdays it starts a little late, Fridays are a bit more laid back. O.K. we get going AROUND 9:00 a.m.

We hit the schoolwork hard, get all our subjects done usually by lunch. My husband comes home everyday for lunch so we get to visit with him while we eat.

After lunch there is a lot of creative play, music lessons, library time, and running around like wild banshees outside time.

We are fortunate to live in a town where they take music serious and want to pass it on to the next generation. This is great for our family because the only thing my husband and I can play is the radio. Thankfully, Little Buckaroo is learning the fiddle and mandolin and Littlest Buckaroo is taking banjo lessons.

About once every week or so, they use their musical skills to volunteer at the state park where their daddy is the director. Then, there is soccer and Taekwondo. Who says homeschool kids are not socialized?

We have dinner at our family table every night. I grew up doing this and from the beginning implemented it as I knew that this would be the place when the kids were older that I would get to hear about their days.

At 8 o’clock,  they go to their rooms to read or draw and lights out at 9. They have their own rooms but always sleep together. One of the perks of homeschooling is that they are best friends, I hope and pray this continues throughout their lives.

I am off work at this point. This is the time that I spend with my husband. Look at that hunk, I adore this man (minus the alarm clock).  And yes, he is a great daddy. We continually work on our marriage, and yes, it is hard and tiring too.

I am worn out and just want to sit with my husband and watch a movie. Then, we go to bed so I can wake up to the horrible alarm clock, 4 times, and do it all again.

I looked up the definition of “cherish” in the dictionary.  It said “to treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear. 2. to keep fondly in mind”.  Then I went to the Greek dictionary and found the Greek word.  “Thalpo” was the Greek for cherish and it meant, “To soften by heat, to keep warm”.

I know we are all busy, but in the morning even if for only a minute, soften by heat your children, keep those little ones warm with some cuddles. For time is fleeting.

Stephanie Buckley The Park WifeStephanie is the genius with a southern drawl behind The Park Wife (her personal blog) and Arkansas Women Bloggers (the first in a series of state-based blogger networks).  A professionally trained debutante, she has a knack for hob-nobbing it with famous people – she had Chelsea Clinton over for lunch, took a New York Times food writer watermelon picking, and even went on a date with Brett Farve.  Honestly though, this gal is one of the most down to Earth people I know.  You’ll find proof of that by keeping up with her on Facebook and Twitter in addition to reading her blog posts.

(see what happens when guest posters don’t provide their own bio? ~Fawn)

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6 Responses to "Motherhood: A Day in the Life #3 – Stephanie B"

  1. We eat supper at the table too. We laugh our hardest together there!

  2. Debbie says:

    I am loving this series! What a fantastic idea you had to do this. This is a precious insight into Stephanie’s life as Mom. Thanks for getting all the moms to share.

  3. Fawn says:

    Thanks Debbie! I am having an awesome time curating it. I’m hoping to continue it on a semi-regular basis (one day in the life post every week or so) for as long as I can get writers for it, so let me know if you’re interested!

  4. Shell says:

    Love this post! My kids are begging me to homeschool and this just makes me want to more… I did when my oldest was in elementary and it shows in how she treats her brothers (most of the time!)
    Love the def of cherish!

  5. Debbie says:

    Perhaps. Let me think about the possibilities and we’ll email:)

  6. Jacqueline says:

    So sweet… remembering to cherish my life… even though she is now 22. Your son was right and wrong… he may not live with you, but you never stop raising him. Love this, Stephanie.

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